Saturday, September 22, 2012

"Pole dancing is for strippers"

    If you're polesessed like me, you've heard this before and it has completely pissed you off. It's even forced you to keep this passion hidden from people because you're scared of what they might think. You worry that the second you tell them you do pole fitness, they'll automatically think of shady clubs and dollar bills. That they'll think you're easy. 
    But the truth is- we're far from it. There are thousands of men and women who push their bodies every day to do things they never thought possible. And no, they don't do it for money or horny men. They do it for themselves.
     I never saw myself as athletic. I was always the last person picked for a team in gym class, and the first one back in the locker room at the end of the class. But when I started taking Zumba fitness classes, I began to really enjoy myself and love moving my body. I got certified and had an amazing time teaching classes. To this day, I leave each of my classes proud to help people have an amazing time and stay healthy. 
     But until my first pole fitness class, I had no idea something was missing. An ankle injury led me to take the summer off of Zumba and I figured a pole class would have less jumping. Well, I fell in love. I started going to each and every class my instructor offered and staying before and after to have more practice time. I was so confused- I had always thought Zumba was enough...why was I addicted to a pole? And then I realized- it's that feeling of accomplishment you get after every class. It's learning a new move that you never thought possible. It's doing something that just completely defies gravity. 
    Pole fitness requires athleticism. It takes skill, demands practice and requires flexibility, endurance and strength. 
    Pole fitness is something I am damn proud of. So if you think it's only for strippers or shady clubs, you need to haul your ass down to your nearest studio and see if you have what it takes. It won't be easy- but it will be worth it. 

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Pole Withdrawal

You know what it's like. You can't make this weeks class. Or worse, you're going away and there isn't a studio near you.

You try to distract yourself. "I don't need it," you say. "I can't become dependent on it." "There's more to life than that."

But soon, everywhere you look you are haunted. You start to notice street signs for the first time. Public transportation becomes a nightmare. (Maybe no one would notice if I just did one chair spin..) Even lamp posts, that are far too wide, become temping.

That's when you give in. You are walking with your friends, or on a date, or grabbing lunch with coworkers and you see it. That perfect round smooth pole. "I'll just touch it for a minute," you tell yourself, "just one little trick." But the second you let down your guard, you can't stop yourself.

You climb that thing. You spin. You lean back. You give it your all. 

You look down and see that friend, or boyfriend, or maybe even coworker standing there- jaw dropped to the floor, eyes wide. 

You laugh it off but the farther you walk away from that pole, the more you think about it. That rush. The adrenaline.

Before you know it, you're doing it again. Your friends get used to dragging you away from street signs, your boyfriend learns to keep you away from busses.

Your friends role their eyes as you say, "just one more picture? It's called Street Poling. It's a thing, I swear! It's the new planking.." They sigh as you tell them, for the hundredth time, how Jenyne Butterfly went upside down on a lamp post in Stockholm, "this is nothing!"

They tell you that you must be certifiably insane. And what do you say?

"Yes, I'm polesessed."